
About Me

I was given the name Md. Arban Hossain at birth. Sometimes, I go by the moniker liquidicalpants on the internet. The name is inspired from electricpants, handle of Michael Stevens, the host of Vsauce. The favicon of the site is the image of a fictional character, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, from the TV show Trigun.

I take interest in (mostly) computer programming and:

I started coding at 12 (2012) by writing batch scripts. Over the years, I have picked up on quite a few of programming languages. I do most of my work in Python, Javascript, and C# (in that order). I also know enough C and Java to get by. Recently, I am looking out to use more of Rust and Julia. As for verbal languages, I have been trying to learn enough French so that I can understand French films.


I make video games at Softograph. I am also at the final year of pursuing a bachelor's in Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering at University of Dhaka. I do freelance software development (currently available) not anymore!

Besides all this, I maintain this site and the blog, jam on synthwave and electronic music. I am also writing a book on game development in my mother tongue.

What is this website?

This site is mostly a personal journal/diary. It helps me to:

I have found the process of documenting interesting topics I work on to be a good source of information later on. I can also see them in some other light (similar to thinking out loud). I also rant about non-technical stuff, which takes my mind off things. Finally, I like to write (and read) essays. This site has served as a good host to many of my private essays too.

This is not the first version of the site. I have spent a significant amount of time on this, making improvements along the way. This is now more accessible, and supports a nifty amount of features while being simple enough.

The site is built using Zola, a static site generator written in Rust.

How to contact?

Most preferred method is Email but also available on LinkedIn. Both links available on the front page.